What is Scoliosis Spine Surgery and When is it Recommended?
Scoliosis spine surgery is a procedure performed to correct the abnormal curvature of the spine caused by scoliosis, where the spine curves sideways in an “S” or “C” shape. This condition can vary in severity, and surgery is generally recommended for severe cases where the curvature continues to worsen or causes significant discomfort and other symptoms. The surgery aims to straighten the spine, stabilize it, and prevent further progression of the curve, improving the patient’s posture and overall function.
The most common surgical technique for scoliosis involves spinal fusion, where two or more vertebrae are permanently joined using rods, screws, or other devices. This procedure helps straighten the spine and prevents the curve from getting worse. Surgery is typically recommended for individuals when the spinal curve exceeds 45-50 degrees, especially if the curve continues to progress over time. In addition, surgery may be necessary if the scoliosis causes chronic pain or interferes with daily activities, and when non-surgical treatments like bracing or physical therapy are ineffective.
In some cases, scoliosis may affect lung function, especially when the curvature is severe, making breathing difficult. When this happens, surgery becomes a viable option to reduce the strain on the lungs and improve overall quality of life. The decision to proceed with surgery is made after careful consideration of factors such as the severity of the curvature, the patient’s age, general health, and the presence of symptoms. Surgery is usually considered only after other treatment options have been explored.
Click here for more information :- https://www.edhacare.com/treatments/spine/scoliosis-spine-surgery/